woensdag 9 februari 2011

A new day a new outfit. recovery: COURAGE OUTFIT.

Yep i gotta admit it, I've got some courage.
Cuz today I wore my brand new furcoat.
Yes yes I LOVE FUR.
But some girl screw up my outfit just by saying:
'wow it just looks like a chicken' - Bente Cox
and an other girl called it a porcupine =(

I know many people will talk about my furcoat, but it's a lovely item don't you think?
 (you stupid little farmers, go to the city and see fashion that lives!)

soooooooo I think I might wearing it for a looooong time =)
Ahw that's enough chitchatting! Let's show you guys my lovely outfit!

 soo here are the prices for those who are curious! =)
coat €50,- to €15,- (omg I was so happyyy)
shirt €9,95, but let's keep it to €10,-
skirt €5,-
grey legigng: €10,-
belt: dunno it was part of a pants x)
overknee boots €17,-
ring with anchor €5,-
ring with diamondssss *.* €7,-
necklace: don't know how much it cost, but when I wanted to buy them it was like: €3,-
when I went to checkout, it was like ONE EUROOOOO 11111111111
earrings price: dont know xd got them as a gift. =)
total price: €73,-

: YAY so the total price of my outfit is just 73 euros, isn't that like amaaazing? =D
anywhy: here are some closeupps for the real fashionfreaks.


although I'm not telling where I got this shirt from... 
I think all girls might know where its from! =)
It got a cuuute detail at the shoulder, it's not too sexy and not too reveiling.
It's just right.
I really love this shirt, don't you think? 

 I really love this belt, it's just a ribbon.
But very cutish, it totally completes this outfit!
Nothing much to say about this one, actually...
But it fits my chino pants real good =) yay!

 My boots!
don't you guys have the feeling with new shoes:
same feeling with these ones! <3
I can combine the boots with different styles <3
that's just why I luvvvv them so much.

Wow isn't this picture awesummmmmmm? ^^
I look just like the next benelux topmodel!
Nah just joking, that's beacause half of my head is cut of -.-
lol! but you can certainly see the structure of my coat!
isn't it lovely? ;3

I didn't want to let that outfit to be THAT bitchy...
so I added a little element in it!
Cute little diamonds in different colors!
aren't they lovely? <3
I thank you chinese boss <3

These rings! ahw so pwettyyyyyyyyy ^w^.
seriously, i couldn't choose between three rings.
I was like ARGH @__@
these two and a cute little ring with different colors diamonds in shape of flowers and leaves!
But I decided to buy two, because it'll get too expensive if I got them all Y_Y
I was shopping with a boy and he was like: Omg hurry up.
I don't want to stand in these jewelryshop anymore!
and I was like: OK OK XD SLOW DOWN!
'which one is prettier' I said
He was getting pretty irritated so I quickly choose these two!
and they're perfect! don't you think?

I'm so soorry guys for the bad quality!
But this is my necklace, simple and elegant.
The color matches my skin, because it's a light pinkish stone with 
a beautiful silver chainlet! 
It shows less power into my outfit, because
furcoat + this necklace = less bitchy.

So this was my outfit for today!
I hope you found it quite interesting!

Do you think this outfit is too bitchy?
let me hear from yah!

Rocketz and Fashion.
Amy <3